Lotus for Kids
Lotus for kids
Children are more than welcome at Lotus!! The whole practice is designed around them to ensure they love being here and have a great experience. In fact, more than half of our clients are under 18 as more and more parents discover the health benefits of regular Chiropractic checks for the whole family.
We have 3 kid’s adjusting tables in the shape of animals so that children feel happy to lay down to get their spines checked. All of our Chiropractors have post graduate training in paediatric and pregnancy care and all have children of their own. The activator instrument and craniosacral techniques are mainly used for kids, to ensure that adjustments are comfortable and gentle.
Our bathroom has nappy change facilities stocked with spare nappies, bags and wipes and is equipped with a child sized wash basin.
Lotus staff are delighted to cuddle babies or infants whilst parents relax and have their adjustments in peace. Our Magic Faraway tree playroom is legendary with kids of all ages and provides a fabulous space for them to play so that their parents can relax in reception or whilst having their adjustment. Our environment is nurturing and caters for the needs of our Lotus families.