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Dr Kimberlie's tips on isolation & staying well during the Coronavirus crisis.

Lotus Chiropractic

Hello Lotus people

I had an amazing holiday, skiing in the Austrian Alps with my whole family. It was wonderful to spend the week with my son, Max. It’s great to be back, although the world has changed significantly since I left only a few weeks ago.

Since returning to Australia, my family and I have been in self isolation, which means lots of reading, health research, board games, cleaning out cupboards and washing clothes after our trip. Evie’s been beating us all at ‘monotomy’, pass the pen and other games.

With so much uncertainty at the moment, it is important for us to remember to focus on optimising our own health and the health of our family. Here are my top tips for looking after yourself during this time;

1. Remember to choose where you put your energy. Rather than being in panic or fright, flight, fight which is no good to anyone, instead put your energy into staying as healthy as possible both in body and mind. Do things which keep your nervous system in balance and more parasympathetic.

2. Avoid too much media, both on news and social media. They make everything seem worse than it is by spreading panic and hysteria rather than facts and rational thinking.

3. Follow your health regime. Ensure you and your family stay well adjusted, eat fresh wholesome food, sleep well and exercise. We cannot go to the gym, so instead you may do a floor routine at home, get out for a run or walk or do some stair runs when you can.

4. To boost your immune system, do what you would do to avoid the flu or help fight it. Vitamin C & D, garlic, magnesium, and Zinc. Some probiotics would also be helpful to maintain your gut health. It is really important to avoid too much sugar or alcohol as they depress immunity.

5. As a community, it’s important to protect our vulnerable and elderly. If you or your family have symptoms such as a sore throat, dry cough, fever or difficulty breathing, then self-isolate until you’re well again.

6. Reach out to those who live alone as they are the ones who need our care and support at this time of social distancing and isolation. Human beings need connection and social interaction. Take care of your neighbours. A good old fashioned phone call can mean so much.

7 Keep a sense of hum

our and quiet optimism. Stay abundant. We live in a privileged country where our major lack is toilet paper and chicken breasts, so we are very blessed indeed. Spare a thought for refugees and people in poverty around the world who will be suffering more with less aid and international assistance. Just to put things into perspective, millions of children around the world die each year from dehydration and malnutrition.

These times are a very interesting health experiment that we will look back on, where we are stepping outside our normal reality. It’s important to remember your highest values such as family, friendships, community and humanity. Focus on random acts of kindness and compassion as this spreads love and light instead of anger and bigotry. We are all in this together and will get through these tough times if we work as a team. Be the leader in your community and support others around you to be their best also.

Sending lots of love and a virtual hug to you all. I am looking forward to seeing you all again at Lotus next week.

Love Kimberlie x

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