Dear Lotus clients
Your health and the health of our team are our number one priorities at Lotus during these challenging times.
Over the past couple of weeks Lotus has been taking measures in response to the corona virus outbreak. We have a COVID-19 policy that is updated daily as we receive new and current information in accordance with the AHPRA and Department of Health recommendations.
It is business as usual for our Chiropractors, Myotherapists, Lactation Consultants, Naturopath and Psychologist.
As a result of the new stage 1 measures put in place by the Federal Government, Mel from Sanctuary on Peninsula Pilates has discontinued all classes at Lotus for the time being. She will be sending clients home based programs and running live classes using Facebook to keep in touch with her clients whilst we await further developments.
Lotus are committed to helping our community stay well mentally as well as physically, so stay tuned to our emails and social media for resources. Check out our Psychologist Tim’s blog on Coping with the Stress of COVID-19.
COVID-19 cannot be transmitted through touch/ skin to skin contact. As we offer manual therapy this is an important point to highlight. The virus is spread through droplet transmission, generally when someone coughs or sneezes. Droplets rarely carry more than 1 metre in the air. Droplets need to enter your eyes, nose or mouth to transmit.
Please see below our action plan which is reviewed daily:
What our team are doing to prevent transmission of COVID-19
1. All of our practitioners and staff members have completed the Australian Government Department of Health Infection Control COVID-19 training module
2. Our practice is cleaned and sanitised on a regular, ongoing basis throughout the day, to ensure that transmission is prevented. Practitioner tables are cleaned with alcohol wipes after each client/family being adjusted and after Myotherapy treatments.
3. Practitioner hands are appropriately sanitised or washed after each client.
4. Wiping surfaces: any areas of possible public contact are wiped down regularly multiple times per day. Sanitisation of door handles, reception desk and light switches is performed often.
5. Social distancing throughout the practice is strictly observed (one person allowed per 4m sq) with restriction on how many people can be in each space/room. If we run behind time, people will be asked to remain in their cars or outside to maintain an appropriate number of people for the size of our space.
5. If you feel you are at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 due to your age, medical history or reduced immunity, you can request that your practitioner wear a mask or gloves for your visit.
6. Our policy of not attending if staff are experiencing any symptoms of illness is strictly observed. Practitioners/Staff who have been in contact with anyone confirms positive for COVID-19 or experiencing potential symptoms will not attend until testing is clear. Staff are also questioning clients regarding overseas travel and current health status over the phone.
7. Signs are placed on the door and entrance to rooms, reminding people not to enter if they are showing potential symptoms of COVID-19, namely fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat or difficulty breathing. Staff will refuse entry of clients who display signs of illness.
8. Replacing towels in Myotherapy treatment rooms after each person as per normal hygiene standards. You are welcome to bring your own towel for Myotherapy or Chiropractic visits if you prefer. Naturopathic and Psychology visits don’t require touching clients, though surfaces are still cleaned after every visit.
9. Magazines in reception, all toy baskets, drink glasse and all cushions have been removed from the practice.
10. Hand towels have been removed from bathrooms so clients use hand dryers only or paper towels only.
11. Lotus has added Virtual Consults to our services to help you if you are unable to attend the practice due to symptoms of illness or self-isolation.
How can you help us?
1. Use hand sanitiser and wash your hands regularly to prevent transmission. Hand sanitiser is provided at reception as well as in all practitioner rooms.
2. If you have travelled overseas in the past two weeks or have any symptoms of illness, please reschedule until your symptoms are clear. If unsure, please seek medical advice. We ask that you discuss with reception if you need emergency care.
3. Reduce cash and card handling (reception will ask clients to swipe/tap their cards where possible).
4. If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to ask your Practitioner, our Practice Manager, Andrea or our reception staff. A copy of our ‘Practice Policy on COVID-19 and infectious diseases’ is available from reception staff.
Kind regards
The Lotus Team